Vision Builders is a ministry that extends outside of our church and into the community: locally, nationally, and internationally. It is the practical outworking of the Bible’s mandate to administer justice, mercy, and grace to a hurting world. We believe we have freely received and therefore we choose to freely give, that we are blessed to be a blessing.

Mission is a huge part of our church and we will continue to expand and invest into these initiatives below.




Vision Builders exists to build His house, to encourage participation, and to inspire the next generation. Each year we witness the miraculous provision of God through his people, enabling us to take ground for the Kingdom of God.

To find out more about the details of what vision builders allows us to do, watch our 2023 Vision Builders Campaign highlights.


If you wish to donate to the Beyond Ministry of C3 Church please internet deposit into the following bank account:
03 0195 0236880 005.
Please include ‘BEYOND’ in the reference or by using Tithe.ly below. You can also give via Tithe.ly in their app.

Donations over $5 are eligible for a tax rebate.